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Turakulov Olim Kholbutaevich , doctor of pedagogical sciences,professor. Jizzakh branch of National university of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek
Abdurakhmanov Ravshan Anarbaevich , doctor of phisolosophy on tehnical sciences,associate professor. Jizzakh branch of National university of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek.


E-learning, the use of electronic technologies to facilitate learning, has emerged as a transformative force in education. This monograph explores the advantages, prospects, and results of e-learning, offering insights into its multifaceted impact on learning outcomes and accessibility. Through a thorough examination of existing literature and empirical studies, this research elucidates the flexibility, cost-effectiveness, and personalized nature of e-learning, highlighting its potential to overcome geographical barriers and cater to diverse learning needs. Furthermore, it explores the global reach and inclusivity of e-learning, its integration with emerging technologies, and its role in corporate training and specialized fields. Through a detailed analysis of academic achievement, skills development, and socio-economic impact, this monograph presents compelling evidence of the efficacy of e-learning in fostering innovation and knowledge transfer. However, it also acknowledges challenges such as the digital divide and the need for quality assurance, while envisioning future directions and emerging trends in the e-learning landscape. This monograph serves as a comprehensive resource for stakeholders interested in harnessing the transformative potential of e-learning to revolutionize education and training in the digital age.


academic achievement, skills development, and socio-economic impact


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Профессионал таълимда ахборотлаштирилган таълим муҳитини яратиш: монография (uzbek edition) paperback – november 11, 2022 Uzbek Edition.Олим Туракулов .Равшан Абдурахманов

АХБОРОТЛАШГАН ТАЪЛИМ МУҲИТИНИ ЯРАТИШНИНГ ИЛМИЙ-НАЗАРИЙ АСОСЛАРИ: Мазкур монографияда кичик мутахассисларни тайёрлашда таълим муҳитини яратишнинг оптимал усуллари хақида сўз боради (Uzbek Edition) Paperback – November 3, 2022 Uzbek Edition. Олим Туракулов,Равшан Абдурахманов

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Turakulov Olim Kholbutaevich, & Abdurakhmanov Ravshan Anarbaevich. (2024). ELECTRONIC EDUCATION: TASKS, PROSPECTS, AND RESULTS. Global Book Publishing Services, 1(01), 1–76.