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ASTANOVA GULNORA AMINOVNA , Ministry of higher education, science and innovation Bukhara state university, Uzbekistan


It is no secret that writing a work in the style of an Eastern storyteller, especially under the influence of the motifs of the work "One Thousand Nights", which is a rare example of Eastern literature, found its bright expression. It can be seen in the works of world-famous writers over the centuries. This makes it necessary to study the impact of this work on Uzbek literature from the point of view of its artistic synthesis. This monograph examines the influence of many plots of the work on the creativity of Uzbek literature and thinkers. After all, we are sure that the influence of such a great work as "One Thousand and One Nights" was great in the creation of these works, which decorate the treasury of Uzbek literature with high spirituality and artistic taste. The monograph is intended for all readers.


the works of world-famous, One Thousand Nights, One Thousand and One Nights


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AMINOVNA, A. G. . (2024). ISSUES OF ARTISTIC SYNTHESIS. Global Book Publishing Services, 1(01), 1–66.