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Sh.F. Kosimova , Assistant of the Department of Architecture, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Fergana, Uzbekistan


Today, the historical monuments, sacred sites, mosques, madrassas, historical parks and other unique historical monuments on the territory of our republic should be repaired without damaging their historical value, beautify them, introduce them to the world and increase the tourist potential of Uzbekistan, as well as the park around such places. organization in a modern and new way; One of the important problems facing the construction sector is the gross violation of the existing legislation on urban planning, urban planning norms and rules in the reconstruction and improvement of settlements, the construction of production, social and engineering-transport infrastructure facilities. In this monograph, the principles of garden-park landscape design around the historical monuments of the Fergana Valley were researched on the example of Bogishamol of the Andijan region, and the experiences of foreign countries in this field were studied, and based on generalization, the advanced trends in the future and their development were determined. proposals are given.


potential of Uzbekistan, the gross violation of the existing legislation


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